Sunday, March 7, 2010

It is time for all Montanan's to buy their Hunting and Fishing licenses again.
There have been changes made to the taking of some species,mainly the Whitetailed Doe,which will not be harvested at all this year.
Montana had a bad winter kill a couple years ago along with the Wolf gaining new territory and taking their share of big game animals.
The Wolf has grown to a population of over 1000 animals in Idaho and Montana alone.
Wolves have also spread into Oregon and Washington.
The Mexican Government wants to introduce wolves there also,which means they will spread back into Arizona,New Mexico,California and Texas.
Keep this pace up and forget hunting Big Game all anymore,as the wolf will eventually wipe all game animals out,plus many Sheep and Cattle ranches.
Montana is having the problem of wolves killing cattle and the Fish and Wildlife cannot keep up with the problem wolf as they don't have enough Predation Officers to cover the vast expanses of the West.
By the time U.S.Fish and Wildlife Officers arrive the Wolf is 40 miles away in someone elses herd.

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