Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When the Wolf was introduced in the lower forty eight states.

After the wolf was nearly wiped out in the lower 48 states,The wolves in Idaho were said to be endangered in 1974 under the U.S.Governments Endangered Species Act. Then the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's 1987 recovery plan for wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains also decided to reintroducing them into central Idaho in 1995 and 1996.
Now we have a wolf season and it did not take very long to see how fast wolves multiply.Another problem facing humans,livestock and birds is these wolves carry a very contagious disease called Hydatid,which is a tapeworm and is deposited onto the ground through defecating.
Something the government did not mention when they introduced the wolf back into the lower 48.
The thing is agents in Alaska and Canada knew and told the government about the hydatid disease,but to no avail did the government take heed.
Just remember if you shoot a wolf,wear plastic gloves of some sort to skin it and don't pack it out on your back,unless it is in a blood proof container.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wolf season is over in the western states..

Well hunters ,if you did not bag your wolf,you are now out of luck.The season has past and the wolf can run free for another season.
The total count on bagged wolves at last past was 185.That left 35 not getting tagged in Idaho.
Now we wait and see what happens this year as the animal rights people start their lawsuits to stop hunting the wolf.
You can purchase wolf tags now at one of the sporting goods store outlets and if there isn't a hunt this year,you will get a refund of your tag money back.So don't wait and see what happens with the season or you might not get a tag.
Good luck hunting.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wolf hunts last day in Idaho

March31,2010 is the last day for wolf hunting in Idaho.The harvest so far netted 185 wolves,with 35 left in the total number to be harvested.

Idaho fish and game commission states that the wolf hunt went without a hitch.
Fish and Game is capable of monitoring and managing a well-regulated wolf hunt."

The hunt also showed that fears of wholesale slaughter of wolves were unfounded. Hunters exhibited good compliance with the rules and with check-in and call-in requirements.

Idaho Fish and Game set wolf harvest limits for each of 12 management zones. The season closes in each zone when the limit for that zone is reached, or when the statewide limit of 220 wolves is reached.

Idaho Fish and Game sold 26,428 wolf tags in 2009 - 25,744 resident and 684 nonresident tags.

Harvested wolves ranged in size from 54 to 127 pounds - males averaged 100 pounds, and females averaged 79 pounds. Of the wolves taken, 58 percent were male, and 15 percent were juveniles less than one year old.

About 86 percent of the wolves harvested were taken by resident hunters. Twelve of the wolves checked in were wearing radio collars.

Most wolves were shot in October and the fewest in January. Two wolves were taken in the Southern Idaho zone, and 49 were taken in the Sawtooth zone.

At the end of 2009, Idaho had a minimum of 843 wolves in 94 packs, and 49 packs are considered breeding pairs. The average pack size was 7.8 wolves. A total of 142 wolves are radio-collared.

In addition to hunter harvest, 138 wolves were killed in livestock depredation control actions and from other causes.
May we have another successful wolf hunt to reduce the killing of Big game hunts and the Ranchers cattle.
I say that selling 26,000 wolf tags helped Idaho's Big and Small game management very well,in the poor economic stage that we are in.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wolf packs on the rise

Today marks the taking of 183 wolves with a remainder of 37 to be harvested by the March 31 deadline when the Idaho wolf season ends.
Now we wait for the courts to decide if there will be another hunt for 2010 and 2011.
There are still over 800 wolves running at large in the state of Idaho at last count.

Friday, March 19, 2010

11 Days till wolf season is over in Idaho

Will the hunter in Idaho get their quota of wolves before the season ends in 11 days?
The hunter has bagged 179 wolves with a remainder of open tags for 41 more.
I think the wolf will get away from being a full successful hunt of the 220 proposed wolves that Idaho fish and game posted.
Any way good luck to hunters on your remaining 11 days of wolf season.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hybatid disease in wolves

The next bad thing that is happening with the bringing of wolves back into the western states is Hybatid disease infestations in the wolf population.
This disease is transferred back and forth through the wolf killing deer and elk or sheep and then contracted by all.Man can get the disease also.It can attack the body such as the liver,heart and lungs and kill you after a painful ordeal with the disease.
Finally we have to look to history. Wolves have been exterminated from liveing in landscapes close to humans because they, or their diseases, posed a serious threat to people, livestock and wild life.
The lessons from history are that we can at best live with wolves if such are relatively few, the abundance of natural prey is high, and the risk from diseases non existent. We have the means and intelligence to achieve such.
But do we have the money?
So why do we bring these wolves back into our life?

Wolves attack a jogger and kill her in Alaska

A Wolf pack attacked a female jogger in Alaska,leaving her with many bite marks,then dragged her off the trail she was jogging on.
She was found later by passersby,who were hunting for her,as she was late getting back to town.
The town was warned of a wolf pack hanging close by and were escorting their children to and from school for a while.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

It is time for all Montanan's to buy their Hunting and Fishing licenses again.
There have been changes made to the taking of some species,mainly the Whitetailed Doe,which will not be harvested at all this year.
Montana had a bad winter kill a couple years ago along with the Wolf gaining new territory and taking their share of big game animals.
The Wolf has grown to a population of over 1000 animals in Idaho and Montana alone.
Wolves have also spread into Oregon and Washington.
The Mexican Government wants to introduce wolves there also,which means they will spread back into Arizona,New Mexico,California and Texas.
Keep this pace up and forget hunting Big Game all anymore,as the wolf will eventually wipe all game animals out,plus many Sheep and Cattle ranches.
Montana is having the problem of wolves killing cattle and the Fish and Wildlife cannot keep up with the problem wolf as they don't have enough Predation Officers to cover the vast expanses of the West.
By the time U.S.Fish and Wildlife Officers arrive the Wolf is 40 miles away in someone elses herd.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

With 164 wolves harvested out of 220 and the season ending the 31st.of March 2010,it doesn't look like Idaho will reach their full goal of killing 220 wolves this season.

You can also purchase your Montana hunting and fishing licenses now for 2010.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks :: 2010 Wolf Weekly Report

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks :: 2010 Wolf Weekly Report
For those who are interested in the movement and sightings of the Montana wolf pack,you can start here at the Montana fish,wildlife and parks site who present a weekly news letter on the wolf packs movements.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks ::

For information on how to obtain a hunting and fishing license in Montana,visit here..

Resident License Fees and Non-Resident

Resident License Fees
For your information on the price of license and tag fees in the state of Idaho for 2010.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

152 wolves have been harvested as of today in Idaho with 68 remaining to be taken by March 31,2010.

Friday, February 5, 2010

There have been 179 wolves shot in Idaho as of today with a remainder of 41 wolves to be harvested by 31,March 2010.
You may want a wolf cub from the forest,just click on the wolf below this post to find out how to get one..

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Now Idaho is up to 177 wolf kills with 43 left to harvest before march 31,2010.
The wolf kills in Montana have been so bad that their will not be a doe hunt for white tails for the next two years.
Also the hunting permits have fallen off in Montana,as people are going to hunt where there isn't a wolf population yet,as you noticed I said yet.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

144 wolves have been shot in Idaho with 76 remaing wolves to be taken by hunters by the close of season..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Idaho's wolf harvest is at 142 with 78 wolves left to shoot before the end of season.
It looks like most of the wolves are being taken in lolo ans salmon hunting districts.
These areas back up to Montana,where there has been a real deduction in the game population.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Use these guide lines when skinning and transporting your wolf home;

When skinning an animal use these common sense precautions:
Wear rubber (latex) gloves.

Minimize contact with animal fluids, brain and spinal tissues.
Wash hands and knives thoroughly after you field dress.

It's legal to harvest a radio-collared wolf, but the collar must be returned to Fish and Game. Please don't cut the collar belting.

Some wolves suffer from mange-a parasitic infestation caused by mites that results in the loss of fur.

Hunters should avoid skinning a mangy wolf.

Tag the animal and report the kill to Fish and Game.

Hunters can expect a field-dressed adult wolf pelt to weigh about 15 pounds.

An early autumn wolf pelt won't be quite as prime as a late season winter hide, but most will have thick and ample fur for tanning.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

As I visit Idaho today I have found out that there have been 140 wolves harvested with 80 more to get before the dead line of March 31,2010.

Friday, January 1, 2010

137 wolves harvested with 83 remaining to be tagged before the end of the season..

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